
Hello Grape Expectations, this is is Joseph and I am going to inform you about the Sports and Games that evolved during the Victorian Era. In the 21st Century sports and games are some of the most common hobbies/ entertainments for people, but a lot of these popular activities had been created in the 19th Century. Here are a few of the most known activities:Football-Rugby-England-Wales-9Jan1892

  1. Rugby was a popular game, which rules were drawn up in 1845, and later led to the start of football in 1863. The first international was in 1872 held between England and Scotland.
  2. For some quick fun in your yard many people played lawn tennis which was invented in 1873 and anyone could play. This new sport differed from regular tennis because the court did not have side or end walls.
  3. In 1867, John Graham Chambers drew up a list of rules for boxing. Soon after, the Queensberry Rules were written making boxing more dangerous, but also more entertaining and grew larger crowds.
  4. Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan and was designed to be a combination of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball with a net 6’6 high.

Other popular games played during the Victorian Era included: Cricket, Croquet, football (soccer), netball (handball), Basketball, and horse racing.

Even though people of the 19th Century had very little leisure time, they still took pride in their sports and games. If you are looking for more information about this topic I have listed a few sites I encourage you to check    



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